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1 GHz to the Middle Bands.

1296 MHz Parametric Amplifier

23 cm Converter built by G8ACE

3.4 GHz Power Amplifier

5.7 GHz JVL Transverter

Cross Channel Microwaves 1934 Style

G3EEZ at Clee Hill in 1971

MBE-21 Technology Demonstrator

The Penny Feed

10 GHz Wideband.

10 GHz Detector

10 GHz Gunn Oscillator and Cross Coupler

10 GHz Gunn Power Supply built by G2DSP

10 GHz Mixer, IF pre-amp and Wavemeter

10 GHz Portable in 1968

10 GHz 'Solfan' Wide-band Tranceiver

10 GHz Wideband Tranceiver built by G2DSP

10 GHz Wide-band Transceiver built by G2DSP for G4ETU

10 GHz Wideband Transceiver built by G3LYP.

10 GHz Wideband Transceiver - building and operating - G8LSD.

10.1 GHz Personal Wideband Beacon built by G8LSD

20 dB 10 GHz Horn

70 MHz IF Strip

723A/B X-Band Reflex Klystron Microwave valve oscillator.

An Assortment of WG16 Components

Cavity Locking of Gunn Oscillators

G3BNL at Cleeve Common in 1971

The GM3OXX Portable 3cm Transceiver

G8AZU 10 GHz Gunn Oscillator

G8GKV at Amberley Chalk Pits Museum in 1981

Gunn Diodes at 10,000 MHz

Gunn Power Supply and Modulator

KS9-20D X-Band Reflex Klystron microwave valve oscillator.

The Microwave Associates 10 GHz Transceiver

The Mullard CL8630 Gunn Oscillator Module.

The Pascall Module a 10 GHz Gunn oscillator and mixer diode unit for the PW EXE.

The Penny Feed

The Practical Wireless EXE 10 GHz wideband transceiver design.

PW EXE with external 10 GHz Components built by G8BJG

Putting Together Waveguide Equipment

The Range Max X-Band Doppler Module

The Solfan X-Band Doppler Modules

The Wessex X-Band Gunn Modules

Whither 10 GHz Wideband? Improving Gunn-based equipment.

10 GHz Narrowband.

10 GHz Signal Source

10 GHz JVL Mixer Transverter buit by G0FDZ

20 dB 10 GHz Horn

Designs for WG16 10GHz Bandpass Filters

The G3JVL Image-Recovery Mixer/Transmit Converter for 10 GHz

The JVL Transverter - in Detail

Marker Generator up to 10 GHz

Modifications to the JVL Transverter

G8LSD at Cockayne Ridge North Yorkshire in May 1997

The Penny Feed

11 GHz and Above

20 dB 24 GHz Horn

24 GHz Tranceiver built by G2DSP.

The Penny Feed

Plessey GDHM32 24 GHz Gunn Oscillator


20 dB 10 GHz Horn

20 dB 24 GHz Horn

6 Foot Dish

Designing Paraboloids


G2DSP - Ron Allen.

G3GRO - Derek Atter.

G3JVL - Michael Waters.

G3LYP - Mike Scott.

G3OAD - Trevor Jones.

GM3OXX - G Burt.

G3RPE - Dr Dain Evans.

G3PFR - Mike Dixon.

G3USB - R J Baker.

G3WDG - Charles Suckling.

G4CNV - Hugh Griffiths.

G4DDK - Sam Jewell.

G4NNS - Brian Coleman.

G0FDZ - Chris Whitmarsh.

G8ACC - Sven Weber.

G8ACE - John Hazell.

G8AGN - Barry Chambers.

G8BJG - Alan Grove.

G8DPB - Tom Hook.

G8LSD - Allan Wyatt.

G8PTH - Andy Emmerson.

Measurements, software and Test Equipment.

10 GHz Cavity Wavemeter

10 GHz Self Calibrating Wavemeter

24 GHz Cavity Wavemeter

24 GHz Self Calibrating Wavemeter

A simple Method of Microwave Frequency Measurement from the 10 GHz wideband days

LOCATE - A Computer Programme to Calculate VHF/UHF Contest Scores

Wayne Kerr Wavemeter

Microwave Valves, Semiconductors and Sources.

2K25 Klystron and Mount

723A/B X-Band Reflex Klystron Microwave valve oscillator.

A High-Quality UHF Source for Microwave Applications




KS9-20D X-Band Reflex Klystron microwave valve oscillator.

The Pascall Module a 10 GHz Gunn oscillator and mixer diode unit for the PW EXE.

The Range Max X-Band Doppler Module

The Solfan X-Band Doppler Modules

Siemens RW3 Travelling Wave Tube


STC V233A/1K Heil Tube

Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers

Varactors and Parametric Amplification

Varian VA6152 Travelling Wave Tube

The Wessex X-Band Gunn Modules


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